
lwgeom no longer exports `st_make_valid`

edzer opened this issue · 2 comments

edzer commented

Instead, package sf now does. This results in error on CRAN when upcoming lwgeom gets accepted, e.g.

    > test_check("jpndistrict")
    trying URL 'http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/gml/data/P34/P34-14/P34-14_47_GML.zip'
    Content type 'application/zip' length 9427 bytes
    downloaded 9427 bytes
    options:        ENCODING=cp932 
    Reading layer `P34-14_47' from data source `/home/hornik/tmp/scratch/RtmpL61OtX/P34-14_47_GML/P34-14_47.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
    Simple feature collection with 65 features and 4 fields
    geometry type:  POINT
    dimension:      XY
    bbox:           xmin: 123.0045 ymin: 24.06092 xmax: 131.2989 ymax: 27.03917
    geographic CRS: JGD2000
    ── 1. Error: Data (@test-util.R#4)  ────────────────────────────────────────────
    'st_make_valid' is not an exported object from 'namespace:lwgeom'
      1. testthat::expect_length(export_pref_80km_mesh(1), 40L)
      4. jpndistrict:::export_pref_80km_mesh(1)
      3. jpndistrict::jpn_pref(pref_code = code)
     11. lwgeom::st_make_valid(.)
     14. base::getExportedValue(pkg, name)

Please update jpndistrict and resubmit to CRAN to avoid errors in CRAN checks.

uribo commented

Oops. Thanks, I'll fix that.

uribo commented

jpndistrict v0.3.6 released.