Open issues
uriklar opened this issue · 0 comments
Basic design
Add ability to enter answer for a category
Create board form
Persist progression data in local storage
Screen for creating a board (will be detailed in a separate issue)
Fetch board from DB by id in url
Create DB and integrate with it (firebase?)
Open graph tags and other meta tags
Deploy somewhere (probably vercel)
Handle long words
Add husky and lint-prepush (to execute TS/Eslint/Prettier checks before push)
Contribution guide - what you need to setup to get going
Create a script to seed a test database
User login - Show all boards by user, show all boards solved by user, show profile info on the user's boards
Write copy for rules of creating a category
Tests - jest unit tests for game logic, Maybe some Cypress tests if someone feels like it (I can guide you how to integrate it with Github actions)