
SpinnerConstructor is not a function error

markolalic opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi I have a problem running a spinner. I'm getting this error:

SpinnerConstructor is not a function

in my console logs. I installed this extension via bower. Injected both spin.js and angular-spinner.js., included 'angularSpinner' module into my js page, created simple function that calls spinner to open and it is not showing. Did anyone got this error?

Thanks in advance

Yes, I have the same issue.

Same for me

same here but only when the code is minified

EDIT: minified and in the server (nginx), in my dev server using npm start from angular seed works fine

This was a fix for browserify:

window.Spinner = require('spin.js')

The problem persists for me to. Installed via bower.

Fixed, actually i had some junk files in my dist folder named spinjs (not spin.js) after I cleaned the error went away