
Module Not Found

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I'am using webpack and I got this error

ERROR in ../~/angular-spinner/angular-spinner.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'spin' in /home/gabriel/Development/garavano/node_modules/angular-spinner @ ../~/angular-spinner/angular-spinner.js 132:2-38

I solved it by changing 'spin' to 'spin.js' in line 132

define(['angular', 'spin.js'], factory);

Is this an issue for anyone else?

I am using require/browserify to load angular-spinner and I had the same error. Your suggested fix worked for me.

For me it's a problem having define(['angular', 'spin.js'], factory); in line 132 (see #63)

webpack user here, also had to change to define(['angular', 'spin.js'], factory);

Here's a solution for webpack that doesn't require modifying the package:

npm install --save-dev imports-loader

then in webpack.config.js:

    module: {
        loaders: [
                test: require.resolve('angular-spinner'),
                loader: 'imports?define=>false' // disable AMD for this package

A Pull Request was created for this a while ago. #80


Hi community folks,

We've decided to refactor the whole base code because of the many requests of webpack and amd compatibility issues, and we're using already webpack in master branch (+TypeScript).

You don't have those dependency issues anymore (once we publish new release)