
can't embed iframe into table cell?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Need to embed iframe in a table cell.

Tried this:

         # additional_info row
        unless action.additional_info.blank?
          row_2a = Array.new
          row_2a << Caracal::Core::Models::TableCellModel.new do |cell_doc|
            # cell_doc.p action.additional_info # THIS WORKS FINE!
            cell_doc.iframe(data: (PandocRuby.new(action.additional_info, from: 'markdown').to_docx).force_encoding('UTF-8'))
          actions_data << row_2a

while cell_doc.p works cell_doc.iframe throws undefined method for TableCellModel.

thanks in advance!

Looks like

Caracal::Core::Models::TableCellModel.class_eval do

is missing the include for the IFrames module??