
USB Bluetooth Mouse communicating on wrong endpoint

devilicecream opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm having a problem using USBProxy with a bluetooth USB mouse.
Digging in the code and debugging, I found that the problem is that the Device is sending the data on the EP83, instead of sending them on the EP82, as it should do.
I tested it on another machine, logging the data flow on EP82.
I can't understand why, if used with USBProxy, it sends the data on EP83 instead.

Here the lsusb:

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               2.00
  bDeviceClass            0 (Defined at Interface level)
  bDeviceSubClass         0 
  bDeviceProtocol         0 
  bMaxPacketSize0         8
  idVendor           0x046d Logitech, Inc.
  idProduct          0xc52b Unifying Receiver
  bcdDevice           12.01
  iManufacturer           1 Logitech
  iProduct                2 USB Receiver
  iSerial                 0 
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         2
    wTotalLength           84
    bNumInterfaces          3
    bConfigurationValue     1
    iConfiguration          4 RQR12.01_B0019
    bmAttributes         0xa0
      (Bus Powered)
      Remote Wakeup
    MaxPower               98mA
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Device
      bInterfaceSubClass      1 Boot Interface Subclass
      bInterfaceProtocol      1 Keyboard
      iInterface              0 
        HID Device Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType        33
          bcdHID               1.11
          bCountryCode            0 Not supported
          bNumDescriptors         1
          bDescriptorType        34 Report
          wDescriptorLength      59
          Report Descriptor: (length is 59)
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Generic Desktop Controls
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x07 ] 7
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0xe0 ] 224
                            Control Left
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0xe7 ] 231
                            GUI Right
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
                            Constant Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x05 ] 5
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0x05 ] 5
            Item(Main  ): Output, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
            Item(Main  ): Output, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Constant Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xa4 0x00 ] 164
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x07 ] 7
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            No Event
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0xa4 0x00 ] 164
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0008  1x 8 bytes
        bInterval               8
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        1
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Device
      bInterfaceSubClass      1 Boot Interface Subclass
      bInterfaceProtocol      2 Mouse
      iInterface              0 
        HID Device Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType        33
          bcdHID               1.11
          bCountryCode            0 Not supported
          bNumDescriptors         1
          bDescriptorType        34 Report
          wDescriptorLength     148
          Report Descriptor: (length is 148)
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Generic Desktop Controls
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x09 ] 9
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Button 1 (Primary)
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0x10 ] 16
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x10 ] 16
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Generic Desktop Controls
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x01 0xf8 ] 63489
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x07 ] 2047
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x0c ] 12
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x30 ] 48
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x31 ] 49
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
                            Data Variable Relative No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x81 ] 129
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x7f ] 127
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x38 ] 56
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
                            Data Variable Relative No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x0c ] 12
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x38 0x02 ] 568
                            AC Pan
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
                            Data Variable Relative No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x0c ] 12
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Consumer Control
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x10 ] 16
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x8c 0x02 ] 652
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Consumer Control
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0x8c 0x02 ] 652
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Generic Desktop Controls
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x80 ] 128
                            System Control
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x04 ] 4
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x82 ] 130
                            System Sleep
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x81 ] 129
                            System Power Down
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x83 ] 131
                            System Wake Up
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x60 ] 96
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            No_Preferred_State Null_State Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
                            Constant Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0xbc 0xff ] 65468
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x88 ] 136
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0xff ] 255
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x82  EP 2 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0008  1x 8 bytes
        bInterval               2
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        2
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Device
      bInterfaceSubClass      0 No Subclass
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 None
      iInterface              0 
        HID Device Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType        33
          bcdHID               1.11
          bCountryCode            0 Not supported
          bNumDescriptors         1
          bDescriptorType        34 Report
          wDescriptorLength      98
          Report Descriptor: (length is 98)
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x00 0xff ] 65280
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x10 ] 16
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Output, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x00 0xff ] 65280
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x11 ] 17
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x13 ] 19
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Main  ): Output, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x00 0xff ] 65280
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x04 ] 4
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x20 ] 32
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x0e ] 14
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x41 ] 65
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x41 ] 65
            Item(Main  ): Output, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Report ID, data= [ 0x21 ] 33
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x1f ] 31
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x42 ] 66
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x42 ] 66
            Item(Main  ): Output, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
                            Data Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x83  EP 3 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0020  1x 32 bytes
        bInterval               2
Device Status:     0x0000
  (Bus Powered)

Is this lsusb output from the BBB or the target host? EP83 appears to be a valid EP, but I would expect it to be up to the firmware on the device to decide which to use.

From the interface descriptors it looks as though the dongle has separate EPs for keyboard and mouse in boot mode. EP83 appears to either be for some other type of device that may be connected to the dongle, or it may be used as a generic EP for all traffic once the host OS is up.

I'm going to close this as we did not receive a response, but please re-open this issue or open a new one if you still need assistance.