
Possible incompatibility with Coide 2.0.6

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I tried to build project with CoIDE 2.06, since 2.x is now the main download.

stm32grbl11d.coproj needs to be adapted because Coide needs now complete device name : "STM32F103C8T6" instead of "STM32F103C8" for 1.x version .

Changes must be done at 2 places in the file, and needs to be edited BEFORE opening it with CoIDE.
Defines section needs also to be adated by ADDING (not replacing) a -DSTM32F103C8T6 .

Now the project builds.. but USB is not enumerated as serial port. I need to compare with a build done with 1.x.

My Sample project file is included, but needs further testing.

I will try to use newer ide myself and let you know the result.

After properly configured clock jumper on my bluepill, serial port is enumarated with the build done with attached files.
Grbl banner is displaying properly on USB VCP.

Now, I need to test with a cnc to completely verify coocox 2.X build, but it seems to be promising.

I downloaded CoIDE 2.06 and I modified the project file. The problem is when I used CoIDE 1.7.8 my binary size is about 37-38KB. However CoIDE 2.06 generate binary of 44.9K. Both with max optimization of size and no debug.

After I added -ffunction-sections for compile, I got the same file size.

Hello I've been trying to have something running on my STM32F103C8T6, compiling it with CoIDE 2.0.7. GCC tool is the latest one 7 2017-q4. Once I download "hex" file to the board, then the LED is allways "ON" and no serial communication with the board can be done. Could someone help me?. Thanks a lot in advanced.

@SailWithChips . This could be the hardware. The resistor value is wrong. To work around it

  1. Try another PC.
  2. Use a USB hub.
  3. Replace the resistor (google to find out how).

Thanks for your answer. 1. Same PC downloading different program working fine, for instance version 0.9 of grbl.
2. I expect that 1 is enough for determining not a problem on PC/Hub.
3. Already changed resistor to have 1.5 kOhm...

Could someone place compiled working ‘hex’ somewhere?
Thanks again for answering!