
NPM module used to send logs to SumoLogic using an HTTP collection.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm install --save sumologic.js

Build the module

npm run build

Run the build process locally

npm run watch

Run the specs

npm run test


You need to import SumoLogic module: import SumoLogic from 'sumologic.js';

const settings = {
  endpoint: "{your Sumo Logic http endpoint}",
  captureConsole: true,
  captureError: true,
  devMode: false,

const sumoLogic = new SumoLogic(settings);


To log an info message

  message: 'message',
  any: 'object',

To log an error message

  message: 'message',
  any: 'object',

To log a warning message:

  message: 'message',
  any: 'object',


endpoint (mandatory) provided by SumoLogic when you create an HTTP collection

syncInterval (optional - 3000ms by default) is the frequency we're sending the logs to SumoLogic.

captureConsole (optional - true by default). To send console logs to SumoLogic; it includes ('warn', 'info', 'log', 'error').

captureError (optional - true by default). To send runtime errors to SumoLogic.

devMode (optional - false by default). To disable sending logs to the server, typically used to disable logging in development mode.


It is possible to attach context to the logs. Here is how to do it:

sumoLogic.context = {
  host: http://example.com,
  object_id: 22200

Additional methods

SumoLogic.dump() dump all the logs that are not sent yet to SumoLogic. One use case for this is when you need to make sure all the logs are sent before closing your application.