
Feature Request

JadinAndrews opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Team, I just discovered email-builder today, I'm quite keen to get involved and assist with new features, but it will take me a bit of time to get up to speed with the current codebase.

The first enhancement I would suggest is the ability to configure Tags that can be included in various text areas, IE, {customer_name}, {custom_tag1} etc, which can then be parsed by a sending system to replace those tags before sending the final email. The request here is simply to allow us to specify a list of common tags selectable from a drop down, that are automatically inserted at the current cursor location when a user creates a new template. This saves from having to manually type out the codes.

This is a good idea, however, our current plan is to keep EmailBuilder.js pretty stripped down as we have a pro version on Waypoint with similar functionality. It's something we might consider porting over in the future. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to fork and customize as needed.

add liquidjs to @usewaypoint/editor-sample