
More global fonts, RTL support

HadiAlMarzooq opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello there, I really like the way you guys are doing this and thank you for sharing it to the public.

However, as an Arabic developer, I find it a hustle to download the desired font (Arabic supported fonts) or to modify the template manually each time I export to HTML. What I would love to is to have the following:

1- Add more global fonts, try google fonts maybe?
2- RTL Support, its an HTML attribute.
3- Add the ability to use variables using the format {{variableName}}.

Again I appreciate the work and efforts.
Thanks guys.

Hi @HadiAlMarzooq, great feedback and questions, thanks for sharing.

Add more global fonts, try google fonts maybe?

At the moment, we plan on keeping the list short since custom fonts are not widely supported on emails.. We did, however, add the font selector to the global styles panel in #72.

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RTL Support, its an HTML attribute.

This is something we'd like to support. We'll add it to our list, thanks!

Add the ability to use variables using the format {{variableName}}.

Good idea, but we are choosing to keep this builder lightweight and to reserve variables for our Pro builder on Waypoint.