Allow transparant color or an easy way to use the backdrop color in components to be set as the background color
nicktc opened this issue · 2 comments
Whenever you like to design an email template with a 'floating logo', the the container should not have a background color, or the background color must be the same as the backdrop color. Not sure if allowing transparant color (or no background color) on (container) elements have compatiblity issues in email clients, but I assume that that should work fine. If that's not the case, then it would be really convenient to use the configured backdrop color easily as the background color of a container component. Right now, you need to switch from the component edit mode, to the global styles view, copy the backdrop color, switch back again, and paste it there.
Would be a nice enhancements of the email builder.
@jordanisip, sure. I actually want the container to be transparant. When I add a new container block, the background of the container is white, while in the container settings, the background hasn't been set. Notice the container having a white background, while it didn't have a background color set:
I hope this makes it more clear.