Request: Congressional Record meta data: identify headings and subheadings
TimTCM opened this issue · 2 comments
To the Congressional Record HTML files, would it be possible to add text markup tags or meta data to identify headings or subheadings?
This is currently hard to do just based on the variable spacing of text being centered within 70 possible characters of a monospaced text line, especially when a subheading extends beyond a single line.
Here are a couple examples of pages with a subheading:
Thanks for providing this feedback. Since GovInfo does not control the text or format of the content itself, which we rely on to generate the metadata, I will pass this along to folks who may be able to look at this upstream for the future.
Changes to the HTML display of the Congressional Record are on the roadmap for development of GPO's XPub system, but we don't have a specific timeframe at the present time. For more information on XPub, as well as sample responsive HTML files for Congressional Bills and Public Laws, please see
Thank you for the reply, Jon.
Are the upstream folks the Reporters of Congressional Debate?