
Only one user allowed on platform

katnicholson opened this issue · 0 comments

Description: When adding data points to survey and interacting with site, all users can see the active user's activity and navigation. Key entry and mouse clicks on site replicate for all active users. Problem extends to all combinations of Admin login - not logged in - Member login (e.g. in 2 open pages: admin-admin, not logged in-not logged in, admin-not logged in, etc.). Problem does replicate on a new Ushahidi deployment.

Expected result: Multiple users can interact with the platform at once without interfering with each other.

Actual result: All users see same user activity across browser/device/user views of the website.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Open 2 Chrome browsers: 1) Open New Window 2) Open New Incognito Window
  2. Navigate to in both windows
  3. Have one browser logged into admin or member account, and second browser viewing the main page not logged in, e.g.:
    3a. In Browser (1) - log into admin or member account
    3b. In Browser (2) - remain not logged in
  4. In Browser (2) (not logged in) begin entering a data point by clicking on the yellow '+' button. Upon clicking the add post button, activity from Browser (2) will be viewed through Browser (1) admin browser.

(Note: Step 3 is not necessary for replicating problem. Step 3 may be replaced with two browsers which remain in public view, not logged in.)

Details of the environment:
URL: (+ previous deploy
Deployed on Heroku, Ushahidi Release v3.6.3
Page accessed: Google Chrome browser Version 57.0.2987.133, Windows 10

Gif showing synced activity in two windows: