Genius Interview #10 - NS
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No notebook photos as I took notes directly in the doc:
Haven’t done anything with OpenIdeo yet. Wanted to use skills for good. UX skills for coaching
Passionate about social good and social impact projects. Wanted to reach out to the different groups with that.
Work in a corporate world don’t get a chance to work on something meaningful. Opportunity is there to reach out.
UX for change - London & New York
Design for good -
Tech for change -
Just chats online & meet-ups.
Big corporate & now agency. Launch an app sharetime - connecting old people with young people skill share. Launched within the agency. Meaningful projects/side projects. Balance the work for big banks etc. and also promo for that sector. Built an app for Pride in London.
What is it? Is it a random group or organisation - Name helps entice. Credibility. Cause is more important - One that I believe in. Communicate it well.
Does not happen after it?
What can you achieve in a few hours or a few days? How much time is being asked of me. Weekly basis, fortnightly basis. Commitment. Process can be fleshed out. But need an idea of the timeline, objectives, skillsets. I know what this is about and my time and skills match.
Can people use it? Can developers build it? Will it exists? Was my time useful? What was the impact.
If it’s just a bunch of designers it’s not gonna work. It needs to have a multifunctional team. Developers need to be present. Only so much designers can do. If there’s nobody to build it then it is just a prototype.
1 - Tangible output
2 - Milestones
Surprised that designers aren’t offering more skills for free. Students are looking for things to help out on when they have time. Expectations =full-time for free nope. On the side is free.
If they don’t want to do it they are busy or they aren’t passionate about that key challenge.
Charities don’t sponsor people. If I had the opportunity, I would work for them.