
Clarify time frames of strategic objectives

Opened this issue · 1 comments

For several of the strategic objectives, the time frame is unclear as written. For instance:

"By FY 2020, NARA will digitize 500 million pages of records and make them available online to the public through the National Archives Catalog." Does this mean 500 million pages cumulative since the beginning of time, or since the beginning of FY 2018, or annually...?

"By FY 2019, NARA will conduct inspections of records management practices at 10 percent of Federal agencies, to ensure that Federal email and other permanent electronic records are being managed in an electronic format." Does this mean that NARA will inspect 10 percent of agencies annually, or is that 10 percent cumulatively?

I suggest reviewing the strategic objectives to see if the time frames in the document can be clarified.

The 500 Million pages is cumulative since the beginning of time. @andrewpwilson @clingerman knows more about the current number and the projected growth.