
Test all capabilities

nikitawootten-nist opened this issue · 0 comments

User Story:

As a Metaschema XSLT contributor, I need to be able to quickly test all capabilities of the repository so that I can be confident that breakages will not occur.

For now we have broken tests into 3 categories:

  • Smoke tests: Test that a pipeline runs and produces output (base sanity check, does not rely on XSpec or any other additional infrastructure)
  • Specification tests: Test a given action against tests present in the upstream metaschema repository.
  • Unit tests

The documentation generation pipeline (src/document/) provides an example of how tests could be structured. Tests are run using makefile targets. A top level Makefile (src/Makefile) runs tests for each capability (defined in src/<capability>/Makefile)


Using the makefile infrastructure prototyped in #3, create smoke, unit, and documentation tests (as appropriate) for the following pieces:

  • Converter generation
  • Documentation generation (for now smoke tests only)
  • Schema generation
  • Validation


  • Tests are wired to run on PRs via GitHub actions


#3 merged

Acceptance Criteria

  • A Pull Request (PR) is submitted that fully addresses the goals of this User Story. This issue is referenced in the PR.
  • The CI-CD build process runs without any reported errors on the PR. This can be confirmed by reviewing that all checks have passed in the PR.