
SPIKE: research running XSpec under XProc with minimal dependencies

wendellpiez opened this issue · 0 comments

User Story:

As a developer of metaschema-xslt, I find XSpec-based testing extremely valuable. I would like to have these tests run in CI/CD.

XProc would seem like a good way to do this, since it is already in the stack and ought to do the job well and efficiently.

Whether this is really viable and whether an XProc-based implementation of XSpec - producing reports and optionally post-processing them - is available for adaptation, need to be determined.


  • Research this question, including available resources
  • On the basis of findings, make a recommendation for next steps
  • Stretch goal: sketch or outline a prototype
  • Stretch goal: consider doing this in the context of contributing a solution back to the XSpec community


None known.

Note: OSCAL faces the same questions regarding XSpec (testing profile resolution), and this Issue might be addressed in that context also.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A recommendation is circulated in the form of comments to this Issue (below), or linked from the comments.
  • Followup Issues are created and linked