Add Developer Documentation: Releases
aj-stein-nist opened this issue · 3 comments
aj-stein-nist commented
User Story:
As a developer contributing to and maintaining the official releases of code from this repository, I would like easily accessible instructions in the wiki documenting how to prepare, create, and finalize a release for this project in the GitHub wiki.
- Check for alignment with the current oss-maven guidelines
- Document expectations on how to onboard a new developer to maintain the project.
- Document how to release new versions, pave the way for other documentation.
Acceptance Criteria
- Create wiki page referencing
☝️ and adding custom documentation beyond those commands as necessary to this specific project.
aj-stein-nist commented
Hit a bug in actually handling the 0.3.2 release and it is unclear what's going on there, waiting for feedback on OSSRH-88618 or will reopen a new issue before further work on this, most likely.
aj-stein-nist commented
Triaging update: new ticket opened: OSSRH-88660.
aj-stein-nist commented
This is now complete.