
POA&M conversion from XML to JSON creates an assessment-plan

GaryGapinski opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug

Attempted a conversion of an OSCAL plan-of-action-and-milestones document from XML to JSON. Output document was assessment-plan.

I was interested in the problem discussed in usnistgov/OSCAL#961.

Who is the bug affecting?

oscal-cli users.

What is affected by this bug?

OSCAL POA&M XML to JSON conversion.

When does this occur?

Using oscal-cli version 0.3.0 built on 2023-01-26 17:30 on commit 627d772.

How do we replicate the issue?

Something analogous to the following.

cd /tmp
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd oscal-cli
mvn install
alias oscal-cli=/tmp/oscal-cli/cli-core/target/cli-core-0.3.0-oscal-cli/bin/oscal-cli
cd /tmp
curl --output poam.xml
oscal-cli poam convert --overwrite --to json poam.xml poam.json
cat poam.json

The output document is

  "assessment-plan" : {
    "uuid" : "eaa872ba-9212-4112-ab05-60a2d0e1aded",
    "metadata" : {
      "title" : "POA\\&M Unit Test",
      "last-modified" : "2022-06-02T11:38:29Z",
      "version" : "latest",
      "oscal-version" : "1.0.4"
    "import-ssp" : {
      "href" : "ssp.xml"

Contrast that output with

alias xslt='java -cp ~/saxon/saxon-he-12.0.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform'
xslt -xsl: -s:poam.xml | jq

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

The converted document should be an OSCAL plan-of-action-and-milestones document in JSON format.

Thanks for this report, I and the team will look at this when we have time and bandwidth. I appreciate it, Gary.

@GaryGapinski thanks for this. I had a few developers resurface this bug in a different context and it appears it is something I will have to troubleshoot and look for a fix.

/cc @volpet2014

I talked with Dave and found one example of the issue:

Next steps:

  • Fix it
  • Build regressions tests around it, prevent it from happening again

I added some tests and merged into develop branch to stage a snapshot release for testing, more to follow.

This appears to be corrected.
I ran mvn install against a copy of the develop branch.
Using a copy of

gapinski@flexion-mac-C02FCBVSMD6N rev4 % alias oscal-cli=/Users/gapinski/Projects/github/usnistgov/oscal-cli/cli-core/target/cli-core-0.3.3-SNAPSHOT-oscal-cli/bin/oscal-cli
gapinski@flexion-mac-C02FCBVSMD6N rev4 % oscal-cli --version
oscal-cli version 0.3.3-SNAPSHOT built on 2023-02-22 05:31 on commit 564c276
OSCAL version on commit
gapinski@flexion-mac-C02FCBVSMD6N rev4 % oscal-cli poam convert --to json poam.xml                                                                              
ERROR: (/plan-of-action-and-milestones/risk[1]/characterization[1]/origin[1]/actor[1]/@type) Value 'nemesis' doesn't match one of 'assessment-platform, party, or tool' at path '/plan-of-action-and-milestones/risk[1]/characterization[1]/origin[1]/actor[1]/@type'
ERROR: (/plan-of-action-and-milestones/risk[1]/response[2]/task[1]/timing[1]/at-frequency[1]/@unit) Value 'week' doesn't match one of 'days, hours, minutes, months, seconds, or years' at path '/plan-of-action-and-milestones/risk[1]/response[2]/task[1]/timing[1]/at-frequency[1]/@unit'
WARNING: (/plan-of-action-and-milestones/poam-item[1]) It is a best practice to provide a UUID.
  "plan-of-action-and-milestones" : {
    "uuid" : "eaa872ba-9212-4112-ab05-60a2d0e1aded",
    "metadata" : {
      "title" : "POA\\&M Unit Test",
      "last-modified" : "2022-06-02T11:38:29Z",
      "version" : "latest",
      "oscal-version" : "1.0.4"
    "import-ssp" : {
      "href" : "ssp.xml"
    "observations" : [ {
      "uuid" : "034fd2a1-ef2d-41a7-b131-1878593dbc1d",
      "methods" : [ "test twice" ],
      "types" : [ "finding" ],
      "collected" : "2022-06-02T11:38:29Z"
    } ],
    "risks" : [ {
      "uuid" : "f85976a4-c5e8-44a1-b7bd-36c0ef1509b9",
      "status" : "open",
      "characterizations" : [ {
        "origin" : {
          "actors" : [ {
            "type" : "nemesis",
            "actor-uuid" : "4e6b380e-4c43-4d02-af7c-a07711f98403"
          } ]
        "facets" : [ {
          "name" : "impact",
          "system" : "",
          "value" : "high",
          "props" : [ {
            "name" : "state",
            "value" : "initial"
          } ]
        }, {
          "name" : "impact",
          "system" : "",
          "value" : "moderate",
          "props" : [ {
            "name" : "state",
            "value" : "adjusted"
          } ],
          "remarks" : "nemesis is an old pal."
        } ]
      } ],
      "deadline" : "2022-11-29T13:37:22Z",
      "remediations" : [ {
        "uuid" : "8bea3be1-96a4-475f-a991-096ae19587a2",
        "lifecycle" : "recommendation"
      }, {
        "uuid" : "0ae485ea-e372-4eb8-8d67-ee486f1b99f7",
        "lifecycle" : "planned",
        "tasks" : [ {
          "uuid" : "658b179b-36c9-489c-8faa-2f35e595063f",
          "type" : "fret",
          "timing" : {
            "at-frequency" : {
              "period" : 1,
              "unit" : "week"
        }, {
          "uuid" : "eb485f28-df57-48d4-a65b-60481c85cc38",
          "type" : "milestone",
          "timing" : {
            "within-date-range" : {
              "start" : "2022-06-02T11:38:29Z",
              "end" : "2022-08-01T13:25:59Z"
        }, {
          "uuid" : "118bda4c-9d45-454e-b0e7-a1cf6ff06235",
          "type" : "milestone",
          "timing" : {
            "within-date-range" : {
              "start" : "2022-06-02T11:38:29Z",
              "end" : "2022-09-30T13:25:14Z"
        }, {
          "uuid" : "1f5fcf35-8e8c-499e-bd26-1141c8b52890",
          "type" : "milestone",
          "title" : "Close POA\\&M",
          "timing" : {
            "on-date" : {
              "date" : "2022-11-29T13:37:22Z"
        } ]
      } ],
      "risk-log" : {
        "entries" : [ {
          "uuid" : "e5ed128c-3c2d-4d42-9151-f460020c0687",
          "start" : "2022-06-02T11:38:29Z"
        } ]
      "related-observations" : [ {
        "observation-uuid" : "034fd2a1-ef2d-41a7-b131-1878593dbc1d"
      } ]
    } ],
    "poam-items" : [ {
      "related-observations" : [ {
        "observation-uuid" : "034fd2a1-ef2d-41a7-b131-1878593dbc1d"
      } ],
      "related-risks" : [ {
        "risk-uuid" : "f85976a4-c5e8-44a1-b7bd-36c0ef1509b9"
      } ]
    } ]
}%                                                                                                                                                                                                      gapinski@flexion-mac-C02FCBVSMD6N rev4 % 

I will close this for now but will need to prepare a release later in the week. Thanks for your quick feedback, @GaryGapinski.