Can I convert the czi file to DZI file with the pyramidio tools?
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Easy106 commented
Can I convert the czi file to DZI file with the pyramidio tools?
avandecreme commented
We do not have a CZI reader.
If you are willing to write the reader, you should probably take example on the DeepZoomImageReader.
Once this is done you should be able to convert from CZI to DZI like this:
ScalablePyramidBuilder spb = new ScalablePyramidBuilder(tileSize, tileOverlap, tileFormat, "dzi");
FilesArchiver archiver = new DirectoryArchiver(outputFolder);
PartialImageReader pir = new CZIReader(cziFile);
spb.buildPyramid(pir, "pyramidName", archiver, parallelism);
darwinjob commented
You will need bio-formats library to read Zeiss CZI:
Check out this post:
This should work for CZI as well.