
Dev branch version-10.0-dev not giving output for measurements

Santosh-Gupta opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to use to dev branch to get some measurements (RBP), which are not available in the master branch.

The dev branch was used to judge trec-covid ( mentioned here ).

The instructions were

At the time (not sure if it has been fixed yet), the file "m_num_nonjudged_ret.c" had to be removed from the target MEAS_SRCS before that version of trec_eval would make.

I'm guessing the version Ellen used is still the same, as Trec-covid was judged from Aug5th to Aug-29th, and the last update for the dev branch was 3 months ago.

I tried looking for "m_num_nonjudged_ret.c" in the MEAS_SRCS section of Makefile but it doesn't seem to be there

I just tried installing without that instruction, and it seemed to install fine, however, make quicktest seemed to have failed

Makefile:60: recipe for target 'quicktest' failed
make: *** [quicktest] Error 1

Here is a colab notebook of my attempt at getting the dev branch to work

You can interact with the code directly by selecting 'save copy to drive' on the top right.

For comparison, here's a version for the main branch, which seems to work just fine, but does not have the RBP metric

Reproduced on Ubuntu:

soboroff@node99:~/baz$ git clone
Cloning into 'trec_eval'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 576, done.
remote: Total 576 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 576
Receiving objects: 100% (576/576), 456.48 KiB | 6.43 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (400/400), done.
soboroff@node99:~/baz$ cd trec_eval/
soboroff@node99:~/baz/trec_eval$ git fetch --all --tags
Fetching origin
soboroff@node99:~/baz/trec_eval$ git checkout version-10.0-dev
Branch 'version-10.0-dev' set up to track remote branch 'version-10.0-dev' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'version-10.0-dev'
soboroff@node99:~/baz/trec_eval$ make clean
/bin/rm -f *.o *.BAK *~ trec_eval trec_eval.*.tar out.trec_eval Makefile.bak
soboroff@node99:~/baz/trec_eval$ make
gcc -g -I.  -Wall -Wno-macro-redefined -DVERSIONID=\"10.0-dev\"  -o trec_eval trec_eval.c formats.c meas_init.c meas_acc.c meas_avg.c meas_print_single.c meas_print_final.c gain_init.c get_qrels.c get_trec_results.c get_prefs.c get_qrels_prefs.c get_qrels_jg.c form_res_rels.c form_res_rels_jg.c form_prefs_counts.c utility_pool.c get_zscores.c convert_zscores.c measures.c  m_map.c m_P.c m_num_q.c m_num_ret.c m_num_rel.c m_num_rel_ret.c m_gm_map.c m_Rprec.c m_recip_rank.c m_bpref.c m_iprec_at_recall.c m_recall.c m_Rprec_mult.c m_utility.c m_11pt_avg.c m_ndcg.c m_ndcg_cut.c m_Rndcg.c m_ndcg_rel.c m_binG.c m_G.c m_rel_P.c m_success.c m_infap.c m_map_cut.c m_gm_bpref.c m_runid.c m_relstring.c m_set_P.c m_set_recall.c m_set_rel_P.c m_set_map.c m_set_F.c m_num_nonrel_judged_ret.c m_prefs_num_prefs_poss.c m_prefs_num_prefs_ful.c m_prefs_num_prefs_ful_ret.c m_prefs_simp.c m_prefs_pair.c m_prefs_avgjg.c m_prefs_avgjg_Rnonrel.c m_prefs_simp_ret.c m_prefs_pair_ret.c m_prefs_avgjg_ret.c m_prefs_avgjg_Rnonrel_ret.c m_prefs_simp_imp.c m_prefs_pair_imp.c m_prefs_avgjg_imp.c m_map_avgjg.c m_Rprec_mult_avgjg.c m_P_avgjg.c m_yaap.c m_rbp.c m_rbp_resid.c -lm
soboroff@node99:~/baz/trec_eval$ make quicktest
./trec_eval test/qrels.test test/results.test | diff - test/out.test
> runid                 	all	STANDARD
> num_q                 	all	3
> num_ret               	all	1500
> num_rel               	all	561
> num_rel_ret           	all	131
> map                   	all	0.1785
> gm_map                	all	0.1051
> Rprec                 	all	0.2174
> bpref                 	all	0.1981
> recip_rank            	all	0.4064
> iprec_at_recall_0.00  	all	0.4665
> iprec_at_recall_0.10  	all	0.3884
> iprec_at_recall_0.20  	all	0.3186
> iprec_at_recall_0.30  	all	0.2852
> iprec_at_recall_0.40  	all	0.2666
> iprec_at_recall_0.50  	all	0.2184
> iprec_at_recall_0.60  	all	0.0822
> iprec_at_recall_0.70  	all	0.0348
> iprec_at_recall_0.80  	all	0.0312
> iprec_at_recall_0.90  	all	0.0312
> iprec_at_recall_1.00  	all	0.0312
> P_5                   	all	0.2667
> P_10                  	all	0.3000
> P_15                  	all	0.3111
> P_20                  	all	0.3667
> P_30                  	all	0.3333
> P_100                 	all	0.2467
> P_200                 	all	0.1600
> P_500                 	all	0.0873
> P_1000                	all	0.0437
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Makefile:60: recipe for target 'quicktest' failed
make: *** [quicktest] Error 1

Solved by #26