
Unable to load kext manually

soham2008xyz opened this issue · 21 comments

Sohams-ZenBook:Black80211-Catalina sohambanerjee$ sudo kextutil Black80211.kext -r .
Kext with invalid signature (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7feac4f2bd80 [0x7fff8637fcc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/sohambanerjee/Desktop/Black80211-Catalina/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }
Code Signing Failure: code signature is invalid
Disabling KextAudit: SIP is off
Invalid signature -67050 for kext <OSKext 0x7feac4f2bd80 [0x7fff8637fcc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/sohambanerjee/Desktop/Black80211-Catalina/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }
Sohams-ZenBook:Black80211-Catalina sohambanerjee$ sudo kextutil Black80211.kext -r .
Kext with invalid signature (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd4a472bd80 [0x7fff8637fcc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/sohambanerjee/Desktop/Black80211-Catalina/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }
Code Signing Failure: code signature is invalid
Invalid signature -67050 for kext <OSKext 0x7fd4a472bd80 [0x7fff8637fcc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/sohambanerjee/Desktop/Black80211-Catalina/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }

I am able to load the kexts with OpenCore, but not manually once booted

Disable System Integrity Protection to load unsigned kexts.

I have SIP disabled

❯ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: disabled.

and I still get

Kext with invalid signature (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc4c251d460 [0x7fff89973cc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/igorkulman/Downloads/alpha1.1/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }
Code Signing Failure: code signature is invalid
Invalid signature -67050 for kext <OSKext 0x7fc4c251d460 [0x7fff89973cc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/igorkulman/Downloads/alpha1.1/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }

I am able to manually load other kexts like itlwm just fine.

I have SIP disabled

❯ csrutil status

System Integrity Protection status: disabled.

and I still get

Kext with invalid signature (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc4c251d460 [0x7fff89973cc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/igorkulman/Downloads/alpha1.1/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }

Code Signing Failure: code signature is invalid

Invalid signature -67050 for kext <OSKext 0x7fc4c251d460 [0x7fff89973cc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/igorkulman/Downloads/alpha1.1/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }

Disable Gatekeeper

Disable Gatekeeper

Also disabled

❯ spctl --status
assessments disabled

SIP & Gatekeeper are both disabled

have the exact same issue, both SIP and Gatekeeper disabled as well. Would a debug version allow to by pass the signing maybe? nah, it's already on debug.

I've accidentally signed the kext for local running. I'll update the release with the unsigned kext.

Cool! Thank you.

I was trying to load the kext after building locally. I realized I had signed the build as well. Will try loading the unsigned kext.
@Silfalion @igorkulman @soham2008xyz Please check if it loads.

❯ sudo kextutil Black80211.kext -r .
Kext with invalid signature (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd6d8f05960 [0x7fff8c077cc0]> { URL = "file:///Users/igorkulman/Downloads/unsigned/Black80211.kext/", ID = "net.rpeshkov.Black80211" }
Code Signing Failure: not code signed
Disabling KextAudit: SIP is off

@igorkulman ...and what? did it load? it displayed that it's not signed and that it allowed it to load.

@igorkulman ...and what? did it load? it displayed that it's not signed and that it allowed it to load.

kexstat says the kext is loaded but itlwm is not loaded and the adapter does not appear in the system.

@igorkulman Oh, that part of README got outdated. During early development itlwm was Black80211's dependency, and so kextutil automatically loaded. Later I redesigned it to match on any wireless device, to allow future compatibility with itlwmx or possible other wireless drivers if someone makes them, and now itlwm should be loaded manually. I've updated the README.

lol it always bugged me itlwm wasn't added to be loaded. will try now.

it works marvels. Thank you. Have to add that itlwm wasn't working for me until I updated to OpenCore 0.6.0 earlier this morning. Black802-11 adds that it no longer appears as ethernet, right?

Edit: have about 70 kb/s less than with ethernet and other PCs wi-fi, but I guess that's normal?

Edit2: thought I checked for any source of bandwidth leak but forgot some, the speed is optimal now I think.

Now it loads, scans but it does not see my network (wp2 personal, works with heliport), just networks of my neighbors. Any idea why?

@igorkulman which channel is your network on? Is that channel listed in supported channels in System Profiler?
There are scanning issues that I'm aware of, it often doesn't see my 5 GHz network on channel 149 but usually sees my 2.4 GHz network on channel 1.

@igorkulman which channel is your network on? Is that channel listed in supported channels in System Profiler?
There are scanning issues that I'm aware of, it often doesn't see my 5 GHz network on channel 149 but usually sees my 2.4 GHz network on channel 1.

I opened a separate issue #15

The kext loading works now.