
Two front warnings and request to upload as template

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for your contributions; it helps me a lot. Yet, there are two Warnings about the fronts here:

  1. Package fontspec Warning: Font "FandolSong-Regular" does not contain requested Script "CJK".
  2. Package fontspec Warning: Font "FandolHei-Regular" does not contain the requested Script "CJK".

And, could I submit the Template to Overleaf Gallery?

Thanks for the feedback.

But the font warnings are not directly related to the template itself.

When you use xeCJK on Linux, MacOS, or overleaf, the font warnings always appear. The reason is about the CJK font files.

You may refer to: and CTeX-org/forum#34

I suggest just ignoring these warnings, as they won't have any significant impact anyway.

Of course, you can submit the Template to Overleaf Gallery. I'm glad this project can help you.