
Why not upgrade the helm chart version after changed the templates?

wd opened this issue · 2 comments

wd commented

This a diff from same helm chart version 5.10.0, the kiam.orig was downloaded 3 months ago. This is break change, I think it often need a major version or at least a minor version bump.

diff -ruN kiam.orig/ new/kiam/
--- kiam.orig/ 2020-08-18 23:43:42.000000000 +0800
+++ new/kiam/  2020-10-15 19:44:45.000000000 +0800
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 | `agent.image.tag`                           | Agent image tag                                                                              | `v3.6`                       |
 | `agent.image.pullPolicy`                    | Agent image pull policy                                                                      | `IfNotPresent`               |
 | `agent.dnsPolicy`                           | Agent pod DNS policy                                                                         | `ClusterFirstWithHostNet`    |
-| `agent.whiteListRouteRegexp`                | Agent pod whitelist metadata API path argument regex                                         | `{}`                         |
+| `agent.allowRouteRegexp`                    | Agent metadata proxy server only allows accesses to paths matching this regexp               | `{}`                         |
 | `agent.extraArgs`                           | Additional agent container arguments                                                         | `{}`                         |
 | `agent.extraEnv`                            | Additional agent container environment variables                                             | `{}`                         |
 | `agent.extraHostPathMounts`                 | Additional agent container hostPath mounts                                                   | `[]`                         |
diff -ruN kiam.orig/templates/agent-daemonset.yaml new/kiam/templates/agent-daemonset.yaml
--- kiam.orig/templates/agent-daemonset.yaml    2020-08-18 23:43:42.000000000 +0800
+++ new/kiam/templates/agent-daemonset.yaml     2020-10-15 19:44:45.000000000 +0800
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
             - --prometheus-listen-addr={{ .Values.agent.prometheus.port }}
             - --prometheus-sync-interval={{ .Values.agent.prometheus.syncInterval }}
             {{- end }}
-            {{- if .Values.agent.whiteListRouteRegexp }}
-            - --whitelist-route-regexp={{ .Values.agent.whiteListRouteRegexp }}
+            {{- if .Values.agent.allowRouteRegexp }}
+            - --allow-route-regexp={{ .Values.agent.allowRouteRegexp }}
             {{- end }}
             - --gateway-timeout-creation={{ .Values.agent.gatewayTimeoutCreation }}
             {{- if .Values.agent.keepaliveParams.time }}
diff -ruN kiam.orig/values.yaml new/kiam/values.yaml
--- kiam.orig/values.yaml       2020-08-18 23:43:42.000000000 +0800
+++ new/kiam/values.yaml        2020-10-15 19:44:45.000000000 +0800
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
     tag: v3.6
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

-  ## agent whitelist of proxy routes matching this reg-ex
+  ## agent permits only request paths matching this reg-ex
-  # whiteListRouteRegexp:
+  # allowRouteRegexp:

   ## Logging settings
wd commented

And I also downloaded the kiam-3.6.tar.gz from release page, there is no support for allow-route-regexp from the source code. But the default tag in chart values is still 3.6 now, so when people install the chart with default image tag, it will not support allowRouteRegexp .

This should be sorted. Thanks for reporting @wd.