Incorrect utPLSQL version reported
jgebal opened this issue · 4 comments
version reported by cli is not matching what is in-database.
I get:
Successfully connected to database. UtPLSQL core: 3.1.1
Running on utPLSQL 3.1.1
Would expect to see: 3.1.6
Can you provide the output of utplsql info user/pw@connectstring
This is very strange, because we get the right output for all versions tested against:
This is what I get when I run locally.
$ utPLSQL-cli/bin/utplsql info ut3/ut3@
utPLSQL-cli 3.1.6.local
select ut.version from dual;
utPLSQL-cli/bin/utplsql run ${UT3_TESTER}/${UT3_TESTER_PASSWORD}@${CONNECTION_STR} \
-source_path=source -owner=ut3 \
-test_path=test -c \
-f=ut_coverage_sonar_reporter -o=coverage.xml \
-f=ut_coverage_html_reporter -o=coverage.html \
-f=ut_coveralls_reporter -o=coverage.json \
-f=ut_sonar_test_reporter -o=test_results.xml \
-f=ut_junit_reporter -o=junit_test_results.xml \
-f=ut_tfs_junit_reporter -o=tfs_test_results.xml \
-f=ut_documentation_reporter -o=test_results.log -s \
########## utPLSQL cli ###########
# #
# utPLSQL-cli 3.1.6.local #
# utPLSQL-java-api #
# Java-Version: 1.8.0_181 #
# ORACLE_HOME: null #
# NLS_LANG: null #
# #
# Thanks for testing! #
# #
Use connection string jdbc:oracle:thin:****/****@
Skipping Compatibility check with framework version, expecting the latest version to be installed in database
Successfully connected to database. UtPLSQL core: 3.1.1
Running tests now.
TestRunner initialized
Running on utPLSQL 3.1.1
Initializing reporters
It seems to be related to -scc
When I run without scc, it works fine.
utPLSQL-cli/bin/utplsql run ${UT3_TESTER}/${UT3_TESTER_PASSWORD}@${CONNECTION_STR} \
-source_path=source -owner=ut3 \
-test_path=test -c \
-f=ut_coverage_sonar_reporter -o=coverage.xml \
-f=ut_coverage_html_reporter -o=coverage.html \
-f=ut_coveralls_reporter -o=coverage.json \
-f=ut_sonar_test_reporter -o=test_results.xml \
-f=ut_junit_reporter -o=junit_test_results.xml \
-f=ut_tfs_junit_reporter -o=tfs_test_results.xml \
-f=ut_documentation_reporter -o=test_results.log -s
########## utPLSQL cli ###########
# #
# utPLSQL-cli 3.1.6.local #
# utPLSQL-java-api #
# Java-Version: 1.8.0_181 #
# ORACLE_HOME: null #
# NLS_LANG: null #
# #
# Thanks for testing! #
# #
Use connection string jdbc:oracle:thin:****/****@
Successfully connected to database. UtPLSQL core: v3.1.7.2748-develop
Running tests now.
TestRunner initialized
Running on utPLSQL v3.1.7.2748-develop
Initializing reporters
There we go - it's the scc
and it even says what it does:
Skipping Compatibility check with framework version, expecting the latest version to be installed in database
Two issues:
First of all, it assumes the wrong latest version
Second, even when assuming we should somehow still try to get the actual version and state this in the logs.
Thanks for the finding :)