
Building with stack fails with "Executable named groupadd not found on path" error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

soupi commented

Hi! Thank you for making this.

I've been trying to build my project hablog using the stack method as described in the readme:

Add ghc-options: -static -optl-static -optl-pthread -fPIC flags to the executable section of your cabal file and these lines to your stack.yaml, and use stack as usual on the host machine:

enable: true
image: utdemir/ghc-musl:v15-ghc884

But after running stack build I've got the following error:

Executable named groupadd not found on path: ["/opt/host/bin","/home/soupi/hablog/.stack-work/docker/_home/.local/bin","/usr/local/.ghcup/bin","/usr/local/sbin","/usr/local/bin","/usr/sbin","/usr/bin","/sbin","/bin"]

I'm using stack v2.3.3 and lts-16.15.

Any idea what the issue might be?


Hey, thanks for the report.

That is a bug on our side; turns out we also have to install shadow package to get the groupadd util stack uses. I just published ghc-musl:v16 which shouldn't have this issue.

I also added a test case for the stack use case, so hopefully this won't happen again this easily.

Let me know if it is now working :)

soupi commented

That works great! Thank you for the quick reply.