
Docker image with GHC 9.2.5

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I'm using ghc-musl docker image to create a builder image on top of it and then use it with stack. I am trying to switch from GHC 8.10.7 to 9.2 which currently means using LTS 20.6 bundled with GHC 9.2.5.

Would it be possible to push utdemir/ghc-musl:v24-ghc925? I only see v24-ghc922 on the Dockerhub. Or what is your policy about image versions?

I am also okay with building ghc-musl:v24-ghc925 myself locally, but I'm not very familiar with Earthly and not sure how to do it. If I run earthly --allow-privileged --push --artifact +ghc925/README the image is apparently built, but is not pushed or something. So what would be the easier way to get a 9.2.5-based image pushed to the local Docker?

Hey, thanks for opening the issue!

I just pushed a new version that includes GHC 9.2.5: utdemir/ghc-musl:v25-ghc925

Although I was the one pushing it, the credit for work goes to @TravisCardwell. I hope it will solve your issue.

okay with building ghc-musl:v24-ghc925 myself locally,

I guess the above would be easier for you, but for reference, if you'd like to build the image, you should be able to do something like:

earthly --allow-privileged +ghc925 

which would add the image to your local Docker image registry.

I'm closing the issue, but please feel free to reopen this if it doesn't fix your issue :).

I just pushed a new version that includes GHC 9.2.5: utdemir/ghc-musl:v25-ghc925

Thanks! That works for me.