
Latin 1 char, and uncontrolated exception

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Hi, first congratulations for this project its so usefull.

Recently i must send sms in spain with iso-8859-1 codificatión, in this country alphabet has uncommon letters like 'ñ', i downlowd your project and made twoice changes, exactly in Alphabet and SMPPSession, I attach my changes FYI:
In Alphabet.java add:

ISO-8859-1, AKA Latin 1 */
After this my SMSC don't back OptionalParameters i have a NullPointerException in smpp session, i fix it with this code (lines ~ 297):
try {
OptionalParameter.Sc_interface_version sc_version = resp.getOptionalParameter(Sc_interface_version.class);
if (sc_version != null) {
logger.info("Other side reports smpp interface version {}", sc_version);
} catch(Exception ignore) {}

Probably this was innecessary but i only can attach the DataCoding dc = new GeneralDataCoding((byte)0x03), (from Smpp v3.4, pag. 126 -> 00000011 Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1)), appending new ALPHA_XXXXX. Is there another system to do?

Thanks in advance. BR, Mal3kith