
Have validate accept null and undefined

grosch opened this issue ยท 13 comments

Just to make life easier, it would be great if when I call uuidValidate and pass in null or undefined, it returned false. Right now the compiler doesn't allow a potentially null/undefined value to be given.

Right now I'm doing something like this:

        map(x => x.get('id')),
        filter(x => !!x && uuidValidate(x)),
        switchMap(x => this.clientService.get(x)),

Thanks for the report. This is actually a @types/uuid issue. The validate() implementation actually works just fine with any value.

(I'm actually surprised nobody has complained about this yet.)

> require('uuid').validate(null)
> require('uuid').validate(undefined)

@grosch: We'll fix this up on our end, but this taps into a bigger debate we've been having about whether we should provide TS types natively as pat of this project. In the meantime, I suggest just casting the argument to a string, ala filter(x => uuidValidate(x as string)).

@ctavan Looks like the validate() types were introduced here. I'd put up a PR but I'm wondering if it wouldn't be simpler to pull type definitions into this project.

I think it could make sense to fix that on @types/uuid as it's a clear bug and we don't have a timeline for inlining the type definitions into this library.

@grosch feel free to propose a pull request with a fix to https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/uuid/index.d.ts

I'll be more than happy to help get this merged quickly over there.

If you are sending a PR, I would recommend to change it to from (uuid: string) => boolean to (uuid: any) => uuid is string. That way TypeScript will know that you can pass anything in to the validate function, and that if true was returned it was definitely a string.

@LinusU Can you provide a link to the typescript docs that discuss whatever that behavior is that you're describing? I'm still learning TS and this sort of conditional typing sounds interesting.

Marking as stale due to 90 days with no activity.

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Reopening as this may be solved in #654.

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