
Add facet field to index records to indicate where to publish Solr records

MatthewStephens opened this issue · 2 comments

Bob H. has decided to change his indexing procedures, so we need to:

  • add 'released_facet' to the Solr fields generated in all transformations.
  • modify all objects sent to DL to include a column for indicating index publication status
  • allow for values of 'tracksys' 'searchdev' and 'production' to be assigned
  • all existing records will need to be updated (including stored versions)

The last bullet point will get its own issue, as I can't address it immediately.

New edge case: MF 894984 is an image in the Visual History Collection, and was (mistakenly) marked as UVA-only. We need to update the Solr record to reflect the correct (public) access conditions. The collection has a Bibl (3009) that lacks an IndexDestination (good, for reasons to be clear shortly), and I think the TS should do the following:

If MF has an IndexDestination, pass that value to its transformation stylesheet.
If it doesn't, see if the Bibl has one.

Further edge cases: this one has both a MODS and SOLR record stored locally, in its db table. You should always prefer these to any dynamically generated versions. Need to review the logic here.

Changes made to submodule uva_fedora_transformations, including Mike's hierarchical stylesheet. See 6d00c4452713415709c7dc22a5107a3f4fe603b2 in that repo.