Support MinMax temporal pruning
Max-Meldrum opened this issue · 1 comments
Max-Meldrum commented
For instance, by checking with the MinMaxWheel(fare_amount)
we can check quickly whether we can skip the underlying processing (e.g., Parquet):
SELECT * FROM yellow_tripdata
WHERE tpep_dropoff_datetime >= ? AND tpep_dropoff_datetime < ?
AND fare_amount > 1000
Max-Meldrum commented
Initial support for this feature was added in 435ce68.
It extracts a temporal filter [start, end)
and checks min/max values accordingly to possibly return an EmptyExec
// helper function to check whether we can return an empty execution plan based on min/max pruning
fn maybe_min_max_exec(
value: f64,
op: &Operator,
min_max_agg: MinMaxState<f64>,
plan: &LogicalPlan,
) -> Option<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
let max = min_max_agg.max_value();
let min = min_max_agg.min_value();
if op == &Operator::Gt && max < value
|| op == &Operator::GtEq && max <= value
|| op == &Operator::Lt && min > value
|| op == &Operator::LtEq && min >= value
} else {