
Predicate duplicated as part of argument

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In some sentences, the predicate is outputted as part of the argument as well. An example below with "controlling inflation".

"In contrast to previous attempts at controlling inflation , the conversion to the real does not involve a price freeze ."

involve ADV In contrast to previous attempts at controlling inflation
controlling ARG0 controlling inflation
controlling ARG1 inflation
involve ARG2 the conversion to the real
involve NEG not
involve ARG1 a price freeze

So I think the problem in this sentence is actually a parse error.

More generally, it deliberately includes the predicates in certain constructions. For example, in "the dog that barked", the argument of 'bark' is the full NP. Is that annoying?

I see. I guess both options make sense (in different contexts -- we were doing a lexical task..).