
persistent not showing close text

Closed this issue · 4 comments

alert()->success('Staff has been deleted successfully', 'Success')->persistent('Close');
the alert produced by the above code does not have the close button
here is the problem
sweetalert.min.js:1 SweetAlert warning: "showConfirmButton" option has been deprecated. Please use "button" instead. More details: https://sweetalert.js.org/docs/#button e.logDeprecation @ sweetalert.min.js:1 sweetalert.min.js:1 SweetAlert warning: "confirmButtonText" option has been deprecated. Please use "button" instead. More details: https://sweetalert.js.org/docs/#button

you need to update the package to use the latest version of sweetalert

SweetAlert warning: "showConfirmButton" option has been deprecated.

Same problem on my side! Please change, thanks a lot!

uxweb commented

@FMurunga @nicobbzsogr

Please, update to the new version (2.0)

@FMurunga @nicobbzsogr

Please, update to the new version (2.0)

I have installed the last version but I still have the same error.

And another point is that when I use Alert facades it works fine but when I use helper function alert(),nothing shows up!