
Events scheduled with spacecmd remain in the pending list.

digdilem opened this issue · 2 comments

Problem description

This has been a small annoyance for some time and would be nice if it could be resolved.

The scheduled list (overall and pending) gradually fills up with around 20 of these per day, which never get cleared.


The actions themselves ARE completed, but the entry remains in the pending list forever.

If I manually deploy files from Configuration in the webui, the action is performed immediately.

So it all seems to be working, apart from this final step of removing the pending action.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Deploy config files using spacecmd. (In this case using a daily script)

spacecmd -y -- configchannel_forcedeploy configchannelname

  1. Verify that the scheduled action appears in the list, which is does in both webui and using "spacecmd schedule_listpending"

The scheduled time comes and the action is performed, but the list entry remains and needs manually deleting.

Uyuni version

2024 05

Uyuni proxy version (if used)

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