
Breadth-First Search of Polytree to determine the shortest path a chess knight can take from a starting point to a given endpoint

Primary LanguageRuby

Chess Knight Pathfinder


Breadth-First Search of polytree nodes to determine the shortest path a chess knight can take to get from a starting point to a given endpoint.


  • PolyTreeNode. This class allows us to define each possible move a knight can make as a node with its own children (possible moves from that spot).
  • KnightPathFinder. This class builds the move tree of all possible moves a knight can make from a given starting point. It also provides methods to identify when the knight reaches a given endpoint and to provide the knight's path, tracing back through each node's parent until it reaches the starting point (which is the root node without any parent).

Other notes

Although the KnightPathFinder traceback method currently relies on a breadth-first search algorithm to find the path from starting point to end point, a depth-first search is also available in the PolyTreeNode class. The BFS algorithm method can easily be swapped out in favor of the DFS algorithm method.