RowIter should handle new columns
Closed this issue · 1 comments
tebeka commented
@yaronha said:
RawIter, doesnt handle the case were new rows dont have some of the fields the old ones had, see below "
18.10.27 20:11:16.451 ?[37m v3io-frames?[0m ?[31m(E)?[0m error during iteration {"error": "Failed to create frame - \"cleaned\" column size mismatch (15 != 239)"}
18.10.27 20:11:16.453 ?[37m v3io-frames?[0m ?[31m(E)?[0m error reading {"error": "error during iteration: Failed to create frame - \"cleaned\" column size mismatch (15 != 239)", "errorVerbose": "Failed to create frame - \"cleaned\" column size mism
atch (15 != 239)\nerror during iteration\*API).Read\n\tC:/Users/yaronh/go/src/\*Server).handleRead.func1\n\tC:/Users/yaronh/go/src/
rver.go:180\nruntime.goexit\n\tC:/Go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361", "errorCauses": [{"error": "error during iteration: Failed to create frame - \"cleaned\" column size mismatch (15 != 239)", "errorVerbose": "Failed to create frame - \"cleaned\" column size mism
atch (15 != 239)\nerror during iteration", "errorCauses": [{"error": "Failed to create frame - \"cleaned\" column size mismatch (15 != 239)"}]}]}