miRipples missing from v0.0.1
geoffroymontel opened this issue · 2 comments
geoffroymontel commented
Thanks for this port ! It's an awesome addition to SC !
I downloaded the release v0.0.1 for MacOSX and it looks like MiRipples is missing.
I'm getting this error when running the examples :
exception in GraphDef_Recv: UGen 'MiRipples' not installed.
all the best
v7b1 commented
Hi @geoffroymontel - yes, there's a problem with the automatic built of MiRipples on mac. Linux and Windows builts seem to be fine. MiRipples depends on some c++11 features and I guess, here's the problem. Will be fixed with the next update. In the meantime, you could use MiRipples form here.
geoffroymontel commented
Thanks a lot for the update and the build !!