
Update package versions

alopezsanchez opened this issue · 3 comments


This issue is related to #18.

First, i ran a npm outdated:

captura de pantalla 2018-01-14 a las 22 25 53

@bmeurer, I have some questions about it:

  • Should we upgrade all package versions?
  • The reason to have explicit version of packages in package.json is the traceability between package versions and project version, right? I mean, having "prettier": "1.8.2" instead of "prettier": "^1.8.2", for example.
  • This implies a project version bump, right? 0.4.0?

Hey @alopezsanchez,

Thanks for kicking this off. Answers to your questions:

  • Yes, please upgrade all packages to the latest versions.
  • The reason for explicit versions is indeed reproducibility between different builds. All tools/libraries under test need to have explicit versions in the package.json.
  • Yes, please bump the version to 0.4.0.

Some drive-by comments:

  1. All tools/libraries under test need to have explicit versions in the package.json.

    Let’s add a pre-commit hook that tests for that!

  2. ⁠Note that we could also use package-lock.json to guarantee reproducibility between different builds.

  3. Updating dependencies in package.json to the latest version can be automated: just run npx npm-check-updates -a. Then npm install and verify that everything still works.

  4. Version number bumps should happen in separate commits, IMHO.

I think I tried package-lock.json and that didn't really work as expected. But happy to take patches. Otherwise, +1 to everything you suggested.