
[Feature] Delay next TSAT to a specific TSAT or TTOT

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In case startup needs to be stopped/delayed we have no option to continue with ACDM if we have bigger delay right now.

It would be helpfull to define an earliest TSAT or TTOT. So the TSAT for all outbounds without ASAT needs to be recalculated based on that info.

To minimize delay, outbounds that are ready (with ASRT) should have a higher prio than outbounds not ready.


DLH123 TOBT 1230 TSAT 1230
EWG456 TOBT 1235 TSAT 1235

Earliest TSAT at 1300:
DLH123 TSAT 1300
EWG456 TSAT 1300

Earliest TTOT 1300 wirh EXOT 10 minutes:
DLH123 TSAT 1250
EWG456 TSAT 1250