
Starter does not find routes (FileNotFound)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ecki commented

When I install the OSGi starter with maven felix starts up, but on http://localhost.8080 it only tells me

Could not navigate to ''
Reason: Couldn't find route for ''
Available routes:
This detailed message is only shown when running in development mode.

There is no error message at that time (but the startup complains about not found manifest files. I tried different maven versions, here is the transcript:

This is Win10 (german) with mvn 3.50 and openjdk 8 (Zulu 8.35 aka 8u202)


Not sure if related to #14, I dont see that specified exception (and there also nothing on the web console).

I do wonder if the errors are caused by the webjars which are no bundle and I dont see where an extender does apply?

ecki commented

Found the problem, the Zip I downloaded does not contain the bnd.bnd file, which means it does not process those non-bundles mentioned above. When I manually create it, it works. (However the MANIFEST.MF FileNotFound errors still appear)

pleku commented

This is not valid anymore for the master branch of the base starter, which build on top of v19 (no webjars).