
Servletpattern other then root URL pattern /* is not resolving static resources

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In the class VaadinServletRegistration set:


results in static recources not getting found and the Button displays just text in the browser.
Changing the maven-antrun-plugin into the following does also not resolve the issue:

<tasks> <mkdir dir="${}/generated-resources/test/frontend/bower_components"></mkdir> <copy todir="${}/generated-resources/test/frontend/bower_components"> <fileset dir="${}/dependency/META-INF/resources/webjars/"/> </copy> </tasks>

What more must be done to resolve the static content of the Vaadin components?

The HTML page displays as resource path for the Button:

<link rel="import" href="./../frontend/bower_components/vaadin-button/src/vaadin-button.html">

If i am correct this means http://localhost/ comming from http://localhost/test/

This issue is now solved in Vaadin 19 and newer. Solving it in older versions is so tricky that we will most likely never fix this (except via warranty).