
SPIKE: investigate running devmode for OSGi

pleku opened this issue · 1 comments

pleku commented

The idea would be to enable developing the application with webpack devserver running and automatic redeployment of the Vaadin WAB into an OSGi framework with the hot deployment features of the framework. Changing and compiling Java files or changing frontend files (triggering webpack compilation) should trigger the OSGi bundle to be redeployed to a running OSGi framework.

Changing and compiling Java files or changing frontend files

i think the build of a bundle is the trigger is you use bnd.

if you use this example vaadin/base-starter-flow-osgi#94
you can run launch a framework like this

mvn install 
mvn bnd-resolver:resolve -f application/pom.xml
mvn bnd-run:run -f application/pom.xml

if you change the the button name in starter.flow.better
mvn install -DskipTests -f starter.flow.better/pom.xml

bnd will build this bundle and replace it in the running framework.
after refreshing page you can see the result.