
v2: Polymer dependency

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am aware that v2 is pre-release, so this is just a question.

Will dependency against Polymer stay on a more mature v2?
For the time being : vaadin-accordion-base -> element-base/vaadin-element -> themable-element -> @polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-module.js.

That makes lit-based version of Vaadin-accordion (and potentially other lit-based Vaadin component) difficult to work with Polymer 2.0. as dom-module would already be registered against the app registry.

Thanks for the issue. The current plan is that we release 2.0 as a stable by Vaadin 18 later this year. However, it's clear that we won't be able to completely get rid of Polymer by that time.

At Vaadin, we have a requirement for Polymer 3 and LitElement based components to use the same theming approach and DomModule is used as a base for the current implementation. At the same time, "Polymer 2.0 and LitElement in the same app" is not a scenario that we support.

So, there will be Polymer 3.0 dependency because of DomModule for the time being.

Understood - thanks for this rapid update.