
Adding type="bar" to vaadin-chart-series doesn't work

DiegoCardoso opened this issue · 3 comments

Because <vaadin-chart-series> is evaluated after the <vaadin-chart> is created and a bar type is a column chart rotated, the chart won't look as expected. Highchart needs to know if there's a bar series beforehand in order to rotate the chart.

I have made a small test and a way to fix it is by providing a type property for <vaadin-chart> which would add it as the default type of the chart and treat bar as a special case.

@DiegoCardoso is this an issue still?

It's still an issue. There's a workaround which is by setting the default type within additional-options.
It can be also addressed as a special case just as gauge charts, so it'd go like <vaadin-chart type="bar"> in order to create it.

Fixed by #325