
Scalable Hyperbolic Browser for Information Visualization

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scalable Hyperbolic Browser for Information Visualization with three.js

Check stable versions here:

Some parameters may be set in the query string:

  • graph = random || languages || life (default is random)
  • depth = int within [1,15] - (default is 4)

For example:


To view it locally simply open hyperbrowser.html

And to play around check the interactivity:

  • Click on a node to redraw the graph with this node in the center
  • Press shift and drag and drop the mouse anywhere to explore the graph
  • Drag and drop the mouse to change the point of view
  • Swap between graphs in the upper right list

Example graphs

Check the provided examples:

  • Random generated graph
  • Tree of Life
  • Languages of the world
  • Countries of the world (TODO)
  • Linux filesystem (TODO)

How to use the hyperbolic browser

Here you can see all modifieble things, and some examples of its use

Load external data

To load your data, various methods are supported:

  • JSON (TODO define formats, check for standards)
  • CSV (TODO)


To change the colour of every node //TODO


At the moment, transformations can be executed both in:

  • JavasCript code
  • Shader code

To change between both, you need to define the material as follows:


var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
      vertexShader: document.getElementById( 'vertexShader' ).textContent,
      fragmentShader: document.getElementById( 'fragmentShader' ).textContent,
      uniforms: uniforms,
      vertexColors: true


var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial({size:0.1,vertexColors:true});

And in the drag and drop event (onDocumentMouseDown + document.onmousemove), use the appropriate code:


//then pass the transformation to the shaders
uniforms.trans.value = initialTrans;


var p = math.complex(clickedX-initialPointX,clickedY-initialPointY);
var recalculatedGraph = moveGraph(p);
hgraph = recalculatedGraph;

//Update the rendered system on the screen
for (var i=0 ; i<system.geometry.vertices.length ; i++){
  system.geometry.vertices[i].set(recalculatedGraph.vertices[i].position.x, recalculatedGraph.vertices[i].position.y, 0);


This project uses makes use of the following libraries:

  • three.js (thanks to @mrdoob and the rest of collaborators)
  • TODO