
'optout' mode breaks React Native

cooperka opened this issue · 1 comments


When using mode optin, everything works as expected.

When using mode optout (see commit), the app fails to start with the error Unhandled JS Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require. On my full app, I don't even see this error and instead it simply shows an empty white screen that never loads.

Unfortunately I don't have time right now to diagnose this in much detail, but I've created a demo project to test the behavior.


I have a demo project here showing this issue in action.

Tested again with optout as of React Native v0.42.3 and it now works fine! Closing. Here's my full .babelrc for reference:

  "presets": [
  "plugins" : [
    ["extensible-destructuring", { "mode": "optout", "impl": "immutable" }]