
Error: Action rejected by Ledger's security policy

AndrewWestberg opened this issue · 2 comments

Trying to mint a token with a script that is a multi-sig and getting a failure.

Using Cardano app version 5.0.0 on a Ledger Nano S device

    "type": "Unwitnessed Tx BabbageEra",
    "description": "Ledger Cddl Format",
    "cborHex": "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"
$ cardano-hw-cli transaction witness --tx-file tmp/tx.draft --hw-signing-file wallets/multisig-wallet/multisig1.hwsfile --out-file tmp/multisig1.witness 
Error: Action rejected by Ledger's security policy

This error occurs when just trying to sign with the first ledger device.

I've tried both of the following derivation paths for the multisig1 key.


Neither of these are successful.

Hi, the receiver address in the tx seems to be a testnet one. In that case, you need to tell the hw-cli that this is a testnet tx explicitly. Adding --testnet-magic 1097911063 to the cardano-hw-cli transaction witness call should thus resolve the issue.

Please let us know if you encounter any other issues!