
Transaction witnessing is always rejected

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Recently I updated to the app version 5.0.0 on my ledger nano S device.
Since then, I can't sign any transaction. Neither ones produced from the cardano-cli 1.35.4 in Alonzo or Babbage era format.
I'm using v1.12.0 of your tool.

When witnessing the transaction it starts ok. It displays on the nanoS screen "New ordinary transaction?" I press the button to continue an on my computer terminal I see
Error: Action rejected by Ledger's security policy

Which security policy could I be violating? I haven't done anything new


i think the direct signing functions are deprecated now, only witnesses-generation is supported from now onwards.

Best regards,

This is the command I'm using

cardano-hw-cli transaction witness --tx-file latesttx --hw-signing-file payment.hwsfile --mainnet --out-file payment.witness

It is the witness generation.
Do you mean internally on the code that needs the upgrade or is the another witness generation command

ok, so that witness generation should work normally. hw-cli 1.12 also works fine with cardano-app 5.0.0, hmm. will do a test later today for you.

No need anymore. I just cleared everything and rebuilt the binary it worked.