
Alonzo-era tx bodies not working properly

Closed this issue · 7 comments

@gitmachtl while testing the cli noticed that it doesn't support alonzo-era tx bodies:

    "type": "TxBodyAlonzo",
    "description": "",
    "cborHex": "85a60081825820d792c4a513a6a8b319d32ce204b6cde6c98e63ae5fb2efc9f228bfb52d5ef9a9000d80018282581d6088ff402b0522f27649ac742238c697c579beeb344eb723099d1f16ce1a000f424082581d6088ff402b0522f27649ac742238c697c579beeb344eb723099d1f16ce1b00001fd36ef168d0021a0002a8b1031a002f95990e809fff8080f6"

Equivalent Mary-era transaction:

    "type": "TxBodyMary",
    "description": "",
    "cborHex": "83a40081825820fb196c391c4f31da1da12c480a1c5077ed30286468605c3489a6977588a7cc6900018282581d6088ff402b0522f27649ac742238c697c579beeb344eb723099d1f16ce1a000f424082581d6088ff402b0522f27649ac742238c697c579beeb344eb723099d1f16ce1b00001fd36eeebb23021a0002a8b1031a002f95f19ffff6"

Given that there are new fields (13, 14) it seems this depends on Ledger/Trezor being updated, what's a bit confusing though Is that the "13" key in the alonzo-era tx body seems to be out of order

Alonzo-era CDDL:

Hi @gitmachtl how was the Alonzo tx body created please? If through cardano-cli which version? To me it doesn't seem to be inline with the Alonzo CDDL because there's 5 transaction elements although there should just be 3, so it's suspicious. I'd like to understand this better before moving forward.

EDIT: I just realised while writing this that the body doesn’t have to be a valid tx body. The additional fields might be script witnesses, plutus witnesses, plutus data or something else which will be excluded from tx body when signing the tx, since scripts are now included as cli parameters when creating the tx body instead of when signing the tx. It'd still be nice to know which cli version was used to create the tx body.

@gabrielKerekes sure, the transaction was build with the current latest cardano-cli version for the alonzo testnet -> cardano-node -> tags/alonzo-blue2.0

yes the additional fields in the alonzo tx body are script witnesses, plutus stuff ...

os11k commented

Hi! Any updates when this fix will be implemented? Thank you!

Are there any updates for this? Thanks

By the way, a work around is to build the raw transaction as a mary-era (--mary-era) transaction

Hi all, we are currently finalising Alonzo/Plutus updates for HW wallets and after that, we will move on to HW CLI. We are also waiting for an update to cardano-cli regarding its transaction formats which should also be out soon.

Thanks for letting us know!

Here is the v1.10.0 release that enables Alonzo-era txs:
We apologize for the delay. Should there be any trouble, feel free to open an issue.