
[Bug] Wrong witnesses for signing a token tx with one Ada only change output

Closed this issue · 9 comments

We found an edge case in ccwallet, that is reproducable:

Sending a token, that produces an Ada only change output fails with "InvalidWitnessesUTXOW" (cardano-cli)

The cardano app uses wrong witnesses to sign the transaction which results in a tx hash mismatch (cardano-serialization-lib vs ledger cardano-app). Submitting that signed tx via cardano-cli fails with InvalidWitnessesUTXOW


Produce a utxo with 4 (or more) Ada + 1 (or more) asset

Send that 1 asset to any address using the minimum amount of Ada necessary (1.444443), which will produce a change output, that consists of only an Ada amount.

The ledger will sign the tx, but cardano-cli fails with InvalidWitnessesUTXOW. Also the produced tx hash is not matching the tx hash calculated by cardano-serialization-lib.

Tried with 3.2.1, 3.1.0, 3.0.0. Same behavior. Also tested Testnet and Mainnet. Same behavior.

Sanity check:

Produce a utxo with 4 (or more) Ada + 2 assets

Send 1 asset to any address using the minimum amount of Ada necessary (1.444443), which will produce a change output, that consists of an Ada amount and the second token. The cardano-app signs that tx correctly. All fine.

Confirmed on my end as well.

@MarcelKlammer could you please share an unsigned transaction body produced by your wallet that doesn't match with the transaction hash obtained from Ledger?

@MarcelKlammer could you please share an unsigned transaction body produced by your wallet that doesn't match with the transaction hash obtained from Ledger?

Not sure if this is the proper way to serialize the txBody object generated by cardano-serialization-lib.
generates the following data:

JSON generated and sent to ledgerjs lib for signing:

Tx Hash generated by cardano-serialization-lib:
Tx Hash I got back from ledgerjs lib after successfully signing it with ledger device:

Thanks @Scitz0 ! did you also try to create the transaction directly with the cardano-cli, or did you just manually paste the raw tx body bytes into the file to be passed to cardano-cli to send the transaction? If the former, could you forward the command used for assembling the transaction?

Thanks @Scitz0 ! did you also try to create the transaction directly with the cardano-cli, or did you just manually paste the raw tx body bytes into the file to be passed to cardano-cli to send the transaction? If the former, could you forward the command used for assembling the transaction?

cardano-serialization-lib by emurgo (referred to as csl from now on) is used to construct the tx body using the TransactionBuilder. cardano-cli is not involved in this process. It's done entirely in browser/JS. From the csl TransactionBuilder a csl TransactionBody object is generated once all inputs/outputs etc are added to the builder. This object is what I refer to in the previous post as txBody. We then construct the object needed by ledgerjs lib based on the built tx body ("JSON generated" pasted in the previous post) and pass this along to Ledger.Ada.signTransaction() for signing. Witnesses we get back is then used to assemble the full csl Transaction object, this is then serialized and sent to the backend to be posted to chain(through graphql/cardano-cli currently)

FYI, 7.1.0 of cardano-serialization-lib used. So the issue might be related to csl and ledgerjs libs handling empty token bundles differently?

So the issue might be related to csl and ledgerjs libs handling empty token bundles differently?

Yes, seems so, the tx body


Has the blake2b256 hash matching the one from ledgerjs, i.e. 0e58b6049cadb44ece023abcefc9844ea02b36ddb09c13e1667fa0e7cea223a3 - notice I removed the empty token bundle and encapsulating array to encode the standalone coin amount (89103751803)

I raised a related issue in the cardano-serialization-lib repo: Emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib#189

I made a patched version of the library which should omit an empty token bundle when serializing the output amount, I pre-released it here, could you try if it works for you?

please note that this is just a quick & dirty fix to the serialization itself by me and given I'm otherwise not familiar with the library codebase, this fix may not properly play with other parts of the logic like fee estimation or min ada amount per output computation (though I'd expect the resulting fee / change output ADA to be potentially higher than needed given the serialized output is smaller in the end in case of an empty token bundle, so the tx itself should be valid, just possibly suboptimal in terms of fee/required change ADA amount)

I'm currently on vacation and cannot test it.

We modified the CSL package.json and added the target web (instead of browser), and may have modified the exported wrapper code as well. Can't tell without my dev environment.

So unfortunately I can't test it until 01st Sept. Or you export CSL as target web for Ola to test it.

@refi93 Thanks for the help debugging this issue. With your help we have now identified that CSL wrongly adds the empty token map and I think we can close this issue. I have further identified what method in CSL that is the troublemaker but I will continue that discussion in the issue you opened in CSL repo.